Welcome to AutumnFecht 2024!

We're so excited to welcome you back to Maryland on Saturday, November 2nd!

What is AutumnFecht?

AutumnFecht is an effort by Maryland KdF to provide a cheap, single-day get together for regional HEMA practitioners to train, get together, educate each other, and share ideas. There are no tournaments at AutumnFecht. Instead, this event is focused on classes, friends, sparring, and fun!

This single day event features:

  • Informative classes from phenomenal instructors!
  • Time set aside for one-on-one or small group instruction
  • Dedicated open floor space all day long
  • Whole facility!
  • NEMA Games - come try out a new branch of HEMA, Napoleonic Era Martial Arts! 

If you have any suggestions or questions, especially if you’re a local who would expect to make these kinds of events, please let us know!

Instructor List

Charles Stauft, Inner Wave Silat
Christian Buettner
, Maryland KdF
Christian Trosclair
Jeff Tsay, Forte Swordplay
Mariana Lopez
Mike Gilding, Maryland KdF
Morgan Bridi, 
Peter Concannon
Roux Nelson, Moose Historical Fencing
Stuart Lacy, Maryland KdF