

 Instructors and Class Descriptions

 Where the Reglas Hit the Road
Christian Buettner
(he/him), Maryland KdF

Greatswords of any kind are often treated like they are just bigger longswords. However, they should not be handled in the same way and they don't respond in the same way. 

In this class, we will be examining how greatswords should be handled. I will introduce you to the biomechanics needed to wield these large swords in a way that is safe for you, allowing you to access the real joy of these momentum powered weapons. 

After we've got a grip on the basic biomechanics, we will begin to explore the "reglas", the scenarios of Godinho, and how these scenarios affect our biomechanical approach. We will do these forms solo and with the group with my favorite pool noodle montante!

Gear Requirements: if you have a montante or a 5 ft+ staff, bring it.

 Frequens Motus: KdF Flow from Theory to Practice
Jeff Tsay 
(he/him), Forte Swordplay

This workshop introduces a drilling framework (Forte Frequens Motus or FFM) that can be used to explore integrating single techniques and sequences of techniques into an ongoing flow drill. Using this framework and a broadened sense of fundamentals, the first part of this workshop will explore a selection of challenging techniques across well-known KdF sources and show, not only, improved insight into how to interpret these sources, but how to incorporate them into your fencing.

The second part of this class will take virtually any individual technique or sequence of techniques and coach participants into how to incorporate them into their own fencing. A default set of starting techniques will be shown to demonstrate the methodology. Then participants will be invited to offer their own techniques and apply the FFM framework with coaching guidance available along the way. 

Gear Requirements: minimum mask and gloves; longsword, messer, saber, or dussack. Full gear is encouraged and welcome.

 Fencing Beyond the Bind
Roux Nelson 
(They/he), Moose Historical Fencing

Tired of fencers cutting around out of the parry and forcing you to abandon your hard-won position in the bind? Sick of meeting in the bind only to find your opponent raises up to go in for a grapple or a zwercopter?

If so, then let's talk about Abschneiden and Henddrucken. These two techniques out of the Zettel are often discounted or set aside as useless. This workshop aims to bring them back into relevance, give you a new tool to solve problems at a close measure, and a new lens with which to interpret the Haupstucke. 

This workshop will also introduce the concept of Streichen (sweeping) via the "Stuck im aufstreichen" manual, as well as plays from Iron Gate. 

Gear Requirements: minimum - gear, gloves, and longsword

Introduction toPencak Silat
Brandon Stauft 
(He/him), Inner Wave Pencak SIlat Union

Pencak Silat is an indigenous martial arts family native to the Indonesian Archipelago that incorporates influences from the traditions of many other cultures. 

"Guards" (sikap pasang), strikes, and plays are an integral part of instruction in Pencak Silat as they are in HEMA. In this workshop, we will practice basic movements with weapons such as the sickle (celurit, arit or sabit) or the (in)famous short, curved knife known as the kerambit. From the ground up, we will cover footwork, striking patterns, techniques, and counters with these weapons. 

Goals: 1. An understanding of basic movement expressed as transitions between guards. 2. A working knowledge of movement with a curved weapon and how it differs from straight weapon techniques. 3. Strategies to use with a curved weapon. 

Gear Requirements: mask and gloves. If you have a sickle trainer, please bring it - loaners will be limited